Cardio For Life Testimonials
Sonja S.
"My husband was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes many years ago. Over the years certain things didn't work properly. We tried the little blue pills and many other things, but nothing worked well. He has been on your product now for about 3 weeks, and I have to say we are now going to really start having to hit the gym to build up stamina for this found problem solver. It's like it was when we first got together 20 years ago. And we are still young!
Charles L.
"I want to thank you for accepting the call that God has called you to. Well on November 3, 2010 I got a call from my sister who was at a wound center with my mother, she told me that the doctors wanted to amputate my mother’s leg. I just said oh well…but that following Monday 5:00 a.m., November 8, I was watching your DVD “Let’s Stop The #1 Killer Of Americans Today”, when I saw a leg in the video that looked like my mother’s leg, so, I stopped the DVD and went down stairs woke my mother up and I gave her two scoops of CardioForLife twice on Monday, Tuesday and once on Wednesday, November 10, 2010, then I went to work.
I got a call from my sister (who was at the wound center) around 10:00 a.m. telling me that the doctors Could NOT Stop my mother’s leg from bleeding. Needless to say, they stopped the surgery.
Today my mother’s leg is completely HEALED!! Now, I have my family and friends on it. Once again I want to thank you."
Artery Bulge & Pain is Gone
Mary M.
“Here’s my testimony: I had a visible bulge, which others could see, on the left side of my neck that I was told was my carotid artery. There was a similar one on the inside of my left thigh (which I didn’t let anyone else see), which I’m told was the femoral artery. Both were rather painful too. After using the CardioForLife™ powder for a couple of months, I stopped noticing the pain, and looked to see that the bulges were also no longer visible.
Carotid Artery Blocked!
Rich R.
"Using CARDIO powder now for about a year at 2 scoops 3 times daily. My blocked artery in my neck was 90% blocked and is now normal. My cholesterol down from 5.4 LDL to 4.4 LDL…Canadian cholesterol numbers which I guess you know about are different.
Thanks for your help,"
Barb G.
" Arginine is a very welcome, refreshing supplement which came just in the nick of time. Just 2 weeks longer and I probably would have lost my leg. Both my parents lost circulation to their legs recently in the past 2 years and reside in the heavens. Infection and gangrene is horrifying to watch our loved ones go through, let alone be facing the same thing less than a year later myself. WHY? To my dismay I found myself in the hospital for nine days this past August having to undergo an angioplasty to restore blood flow to my left foot, plus healing the infection that had occurred due to blockage of plaque build-up behind my left knee. Plaque build-up is riddled throughout my entire vascular system. I now enjoy SIDE BENEFITS with arginine.
My doctors were somewhat perplexed/prejudice because I am unable to take all of the "Statin" drugs as I suffered severe weakness in my legs and feeling drunk . I have been unable most of my life to take most of the prescription drugs because of side effects. This left me without hope. Leaving the doctor’s office with a death sentence is not very encouraging and having worked in the nursing department in a hospital close to 4 years, my special interest being in CCU, because my family has heart problems. My desire to enjoy good health encourage me to eat healthy food has been very important to me. I have used olive oil many years....even in desserts. I have always thought there has to be a way to help people who have adverse responses to prescribed drugs. Through the inability to tolerate drugs, I was forced to seek help in alternative healing methods. Loving a good mystery, for many years led me time and time again straight back to... NUTRITION
I am so thankful someone brought CardioForLife™ to me. When I went to the vascular surgeon for the follow-up visits, he was amazed at how fast my infections and wounds were healing. I went for a total of 4 visits, and his reaction was the same each time.
I now have hope and peace of mind in this wonderful product, as well as the additional benefits of:
Controlling my heart arrhythmia, knowing my heart is getting what it needs.
Shiny skin, nails, cuticles, and hair.
Faster wound healing.
Ability to diminish the plaque build-up in my body.
When a Nobel Prize winner explains the history of arginine, and how nitric oxide works in the body I was amazed and encouraged. CardioForLife™ is the proper way to nourish your body and prevent heart disease!
To Wellness!"
Cholesterol Lowered / Carotids Getting Cleaned Up
Eula C.
"Harold's cholesterol check came back yesterday 178 and in April it was 315.
He is doing so wonderful on CardioForLife.
His carotids are now clear on one side and 15% on the right side and the arteries in back of the neck are cleaning themselves. They were 69% and the back ones were 90% the one was completely gone.
What a miraculous product, we are in love with the product.
I will send you a complete story. The surgeon said he will probably be looking for a job! "
Autistic Boy
Millie G.
"I just wanted to let you know that the CardioForLife™ is working great for our son. He is calmer and more focused. He still has to take his meds but we have been able to cut back on them. He is talking more also.
I also wanted to let you know that I have not dropped off the face of the earth. We had company for a while and I didn't have time to keep up with my email, now things are back to normal.
Thanks for all the help"
Bench Press & Sex Drive
Dr. Tom M.
"I truly believe CardioForLife™ will transform lives. I have seen my bench press in the gym go from 185lbs to 315lbs in just 2 months. What is interesting is that in all the years that I have lifted, I was never able to go past 245lbs and here at 56 years of age this is happening and I know the only changes I've made is use the arginine. It is also increasing my sex drive and motivation and confidence.
Thanks a million"
Blood Pressure
Virginia T.
"You'll love this good result that follows for Mario who is 83 and has taken the CardioForLife™ for about 6 weeks now.
Paula phoned to tell me 'good news' about Mario's health. They went to the doctor yesterday and the doctor took his blood pressure...124/80… wow the doctor took it twice to make sure and said, “Mario whatever you are doing keep doing it!” He told him he was taking a product called CardioForLife™. The doctor said, “Well it's helping you a lot!” It had been in the high 180's, so the doctor was really surprised.
And the doctor added, “I'm taking you right off your blood pressure medication!” He has been on it for 2-3 years!
Sharing some good news tonight!"
Brain Fog
Sr. Margaret Jo
"After having a TIA, I suffered a cloudiness and fogginess of the brain. I was able to function fairly well but not feeling normal. Doctors said nothing showed on MRI – so nothing could be done. This symptom persisted for 1 ½ years. The doctor then tested for circulation problem which was very low. I started to take CardioForLife™ and in about 1 ½ months the brain cleared completely. Symptoms of cold hands and feet improved. At 90 years of age, I am doing great, with circulation more like a 32 year old.
Bypass Operation Prevented
Mike N.
"As you know, I suffered a heart attack on April 7th. The pain started at around 4:00 a.m. and gradually increased throughout the morning until I could hardly move. It was a little after 11:00 am when I finally asked a fellow worker in my office to take me to the emergency room. There they hooked me up and the cardiologist said I was, indeed, having a heart attack so I "was taken for an emergency cardiac catheterization and received 2 stents to the right coronary artery. I also received a balloon angioplasty to the posterior descending artery." The next day the cardiologist came to my room to discuss my situation. He told me that I had blockage in 2 areas in the posterior descending artery and that I would either have to have what sounded like not your standard 2 stent procedure or a by-pass. I was still shocked by all of this, but after talking we agreed that the stents would be best and that I should get that scheduled sometime about a month out.
Shortly after I got out of the hospital, I ran across your website, called you on a Friday, I believe, and left a message explaining my situation but not really expecting to hear back from you. I don't know if it was coincidence or divine intervention, but I stopped in my office for just a few minutes on the following called me back and I ended up ordering a few bottles of the CardioForLife™. I began taking it and immediately started feeling better. My Physical Therapy went great…I started running a month after my heart attack...I worked up to 2 miles at about an 8:30 pace and also started lifting a few weights as well. (I could go on about how I believe the arginine has greatly enhanced my workouts but that's for another time). Anyway, I was on it for a couple of weeks when I met with my cardiologist's PA for a check-up and to schedule the next procedure. When I saw her, I brought all of the information on the arginine that I had and asked her if I could try it for a month to see if it would do me any good. She said my situation wasn't life threatening so I could try it for a month on the condition that I come in after that for a stress test. If the stress test showed continued blockage or inadequate blood flow to the heart then she would strongly encourage me to have the procedure done. I did the 2 day test the last week in May and first got the results over the phone from the PA's nurse. She said it was an "excellent" report.......that everything was just great. I asked if she could have the PA put something in writing for me. I got this last week:
"Dear Mr. Nyberg, I am writing this letter in regard to the cardiac stress test that you had done at our facility on May 29th, 2009. The stress test showed that you had an excellent workload of 17.1 MET's. The goal is to get at least 10 MET's and you exceeded this by far. SPECT images show that wall motion of the heart is normal at rest and during stress, which makes this test negative for any ischemia (lack of blood flow to the heart.)"
This was not even 2 months after my heart attack and I was being told I needed by-pass surgery. I'm very thankful that I was led to you and plan to tell my arginine story to as many people as I possibly can. Thank you for everything!"
Sharon G.
"I spoke with you this morning and was telling you about my husband’s blood work. I have attached the paper from his doctor. Showing that his Cholesterol numbers were cut drastically after 2 months on CardioForLife drinking it twice daily. His total cholesterol went from 295 down to 176, his LDL cholesterol went from163 down to 105 and his triglycerides went from 235 down to 150. His doctor was amazed and wanted information on what he was taking. Thank you for such a great product! Now after the results of his blood work 15 members of my family now drink CardioForLife. His previous results are the far right these were done Dec. 2012. He changed nothing no exercise no dieting. He has been on cholesterol meds for the past 10 years. Just shows me that your product does what you said it would do."
Mentally and Physically
Bob P.
"I am a 74 year old male and have been on Cardio for Life for just over 12 months, I can only say my wellbeing, both mentally and physically have exceeded my original expectations. Regular use of Cardio for Life has brought my hold body and mind into a state of balance, I can not speak too highly of Cardio for Life. I wished it had been available 20 years earlier. Several of our friends are following our example."
Lifestyle and a Metabolism
Leslie L.
"The manager at my bank had a pacemaker installed on her heart about 6 years ago.
Since then she has become obese due tho the prescription drugs she now must take for the rest of her life. Previously a slim person with an active lifestyle and a metabolism, she had lost all hope of ever being thin again. Stuck behind her desk at work, unable to exercise regularly she had a certain lack luster about her aura.
But now... having introduced to CardioforLife as well as HG Slim™ and the HG Trim™ … she has new hope.
My Banker is shedding pounds and has genuinely a whole new zest for life! You can see her lifestyle is changing and improving as is her outlook for the future continues to improve.
I am Thankful for the opportunity to share your wonderfully healthful, All Natural products that are making a real difference in peoples lives.
I am proud to be Affiliated with your Company."
Getting off Meds
Nancy H.
"Could you please send us more cardio for life? Donn just had some blood work done and his LDL is at 120. It is the best it has ever been. He is going off his meds and the doctor will recheck his levels in three months. We have some friends that I hope will be contacting you for product."
Energy and Stamina
Jeremy L.
"I hope you are doing well. Tim and I are almost though our first container of "Cardio for Life." I personally have seen an increase in energy and stamina. Also, I seem to sleep more soundly at night.
Tim has come off of the beta blocker which was causing him roadblocks in his daily functions. His energy level, stamina, and overall outlook has improved drastically.
Again, I wanted to thank for bringing this product into our lives and taking your time to talk with me on our flight to Chicago."
Clots and Phlebitis
Alma C.
"I have to tell you that my husband saw the Hematologist/Oncologist today and he was very impressed with my husband's progress or lack of progression of the clots and phlebitis. He told my husband to keep doing faithfully whatever it is that he doing."
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